• Showing 184 Product(s)
  • Category : Node
RA0716 Wireless PM2.5/Temperature/Humidity Sensor
SG$ 361.34
Netvox RA0716 is mainly used to measure PM2.5, ambient temperature and humidity in an indoor environment, communicating over the LoRaWAN™ Protocol (Class A). RA0716 carries a PM2.5 sensor that can be used to obtain the concentration of suspended particles per unit volume in the air. RA0716 is LoRaWAN™ Certified.
R72616A Wireless PM2.5/Temperature/Humidity Sensor
SG$ 415.27
Netvox R72616A is mainly used to measure PM2.5, ambient temperature and humidity in an indoor environment, communicating over the LoRaWAN™ Protocol (Class A). R72616A carries a PM2.5 sensor that can be used to obtain the concentration of suspended particles per unit volume in the air. R72616A is LoRaWAN™ Certified.
R718AB Wireless Temperature and Humidity Sensor
SG$ 151.01
The Netvox R718AB LoRaWAN Sensors is mainly used to measure the ambient temperature and humidity. The R718AB is fully compatible with LoRaWAN protocol (class A), and it collects data and sends it to the gateway through LoRaWAN.
R718G Wireless Light Sensor
SG$ 208.98
The Netvox R718G LoRaWAN device has a built-in light sensor that can be used for ambient light intensity detection. It uses the SX1276 LoRaWAN wireless communication module. The R718G detects the ambient light intensity value and adds it to the gateway. The collected data is displayed in other devices.
R718MBA Wireless Activity Detection Sensor
SG$ 151.01
The Netvox R718MBA LoRaWAN device is to detect sudden movement or vibration alert. The communication is fully compatible with LoRaWAN™ protocol (class A).
R718MBB Wireless Activity Event Counter
SG$ 151.01
The Netvox R718MBB LoRaWAN device detects the number of movements or vibrations (such as detecting the motor a few times a day), the maximum number of movements or vibrations can reach 232 times (theoretical value), and sends the information of the number of movements or vibrations to the gateway for processing. The R718MBB uses SX1276 LoRaWAN wireless communication module. The communication is fully compatible with LoRaWAN™ protocol (class A).
R718MBC Wireless Activity Timer
SG$ 161.79
The Netvox R718MBC LoRaWAN device detects the duration of the movement or vibration (timekeeping) and sends the duration or timing information of the movement or vibration to the gateway for processing. The duration of the movement or vibration can be up to 1000 hours (theoretical value). The R718MBC uses sx1276 wireless communication module. The communication is fully compatible with LoRaWAN™ protocol (class A).
R718N125 Wireless Single-Phase Current Meter with 1 x 250A Clamp-On CT
SG$ 213.03
The NETVOX R718N125 LoRaWAN wireless single-phase current detector is used to detect single-phase electrical input current.
R718N163 Wireless 1-Phase Current Meter with 1 x 630A Clamp-On CT
SG$ 226.51
The NETVOX R718N163 LoRaWAN wireless single-phase current detector is used to detect single-phase electrical input current.
R718N17 Wireless Single-Phase Current Meter with 1 x 75A Clamp-On CT
SG$ 206.29
The Netvox R718N17 LoRaWAN wireless single-phase current detector is used to detect 1-phase electrical input current.
R718N363 Wireless 3-Phase Current Meter with 3 x 630A Clamp-On CT
SG$ 397.74
The R718N363 Netvox wireless three-phase current detector is used to detect three-phase electrical input current.
R718N37 Wireless 3-Phase Current Meter with 3 x 75A Clamp-On CT
SG$ 296.62
The R718N363 Netvox wireless three-phase current detector is used to detect three-phase electrical input current.
R718PA4 Wireless H2S Sensor
SG$ 481.34
The R718PA4 is a wireless communication device that detects H2S content in ambient air. R718PA4 detectable air H2S concentration levels. The main unit and H2S sensor are connected with RS485 interface, and the detected data to the other equipment shown via a wireless network which employs compliance Lora (TM) wireless communication protocol standards.
R718PA5 Wireless NO2 Sensor
SG$ 606.73
The R718PA5 is a wireless communication device that detects NO2 concentration in ambient air. The main unit communicates with the NO2 sensor via the RS485 connection interface. The collected data will be shown in the other devices such as a third party platform through wireless network compatible with LoRaWAN protocol.
R718PA22 Wireless Bottom-Mounted Ultrasonic Liquid Level Sensor
SG$ 529.88
The R718PA22 is a wireless communication device that measures the liquid level with an ultrasonic liquid level sensor. Ultrasonic liquid level sensor installed at the bottom of the container, it may measure water, gasoline, diesel and small, medium, large capacity storage tanks (metal, plastic, glass material).
R718PB13 Wireless Soil Moisture sensor
SG$ 546.06
The Netvox R718PB13 device is a wireless communication device that detects the moisture content of the soil. R718PB13 can detect the moisture content of the soil and transmit the detected data to other devices through the wireless network. R718PB13 uses the SX1276 LoRaWAN wireless communication method. The device is compatible with the LoRaWAN protocol (Class A).
R718PB14 Wireless Soil Moisture/Temperature/Electrica/Conductivity sensor
SG$ 1,581.54
The device is a wireless communication device that detects soil temperature and moisture content and soil conductivity, and transmits the detected data to other devices through LoRa network. The SX1276 wireless communication method is adopted.
R718PB15 Wireless Soil Moisture/Temperature/Electrica/Conductivity sensor
SG$ 431.45
The device is a wireless communication device that detects soil temperature and moisture content and soil conductivity, and transmits the detected data to other devices through a wireless network. The SX1276 wireless communication method is adopted .
R718PC Wireless RS485 Adapter
SG$ 235.95
The Netvox R718PC LoRaWAN supports RS485 serial port transparent transmission (RS232 sensor power supply is DC12V), which can send read commands to the sensor supporting RS485 protocol according to the configured cycle time. The information of sensor reply will be directly reported to the gateway and displayed in the interface on the gateway. The R718PC uses SX1276 LoRaWAN wireless communication.
R718WA Wireless Water Leak Detector
SG$ 167.19
The R718WA Device is a LoRaWAN™ Device compatible with LoRaWAN™ Protocol (Class A). When the sensor detects the leak, it will send an alarm message to the gateway. R718wa carries 1 water leak sensor. It uses SX1276 wireless communication module.